Chimney Cap


Chimney caps are an essential part of maintaining your home’s exterior. Water is a primary enemy to your home, and the flat top of a chimney is an ideal place for water to stay and gain entry. If you have a masonry fireplace, water first enters the pores in the masonry, saturating the masonry. Once winter comes, the water freezes and causes pieces of the chimney to crack. Wood chimney surrounds are vulnerable to rot if exposed to water.


Chimneys are also a place that animals may gain entry into your home. A robust chimney cap does a good job of excluding animals like squirrels and raccoons.

The photos in this blog post are of a chimney in Blacksburg that I recently improved with a custom chimney cap. The cap is made with heavy gauge metal roofing material that may be purchased in a number of colors. The exclusion screen is a heavy gauge stainless steel that will not rust. The rivets holding it together are also stainless steel. The large size creates a clear drip line around the outside of the chimney, stopping water from pooling on the flat top of the chimney.

If you would like a quote on a new chimney cap, please contact us by submitting the “Contact Us” form on the menu bar above.

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